Polk County Government Safety Plan
The Polk County Board of Commissioners commitment to safety will strive to create a workplace in which employees can reasonably expect to have a career free of workplace injury and illness due to unsafe work conditions. Safety is a core value of our everyday culture, and we are committed to continually enhancing safety policies by instructing everyone from executive management to the most recently hired trainee to understand the importance of maximizing workplace safety. By following safe work practices the risks of workplace injury and illness are minimized or often eliminated.
Training materials such as PowerPoints and videos are provided by clicking the training material button to the right, but you may choose your own topics. Remember, any training that centers on employee safety may be used. Quarterly Safety Meetings forms due the end of the following months: March, June, September, December. Please complete the training form for each topic covered, located to the right for any safety training topic and return to ema@polkga.org.
Remember, complete an attendance form for each subject covered. Links to videos, course materials, self inspection forms and attendance sheets are available by clicking the training materials button below.
As a reminder, the Self Inspection forms must be completed twice annually by all county departments during the months of April and November. Completed forms should be returned to ema@polkga.org.