Polk County Emergency Management
Welcome to the website of the Polk County Emergency Management Agency. Polk County is a family oriented community, with numerous economic, cultural and social opportunities. However, our community is one that has various hazards to life and property. We, as a community, have a duty to do everything we can to prepare for potential emergencies, as well as implement programs and policies that will lessen the impact of disasters if they do occur. This duty involves everyone, beginning in the home, to the place of business, to government, to houses of worship, and finally, our community culture. Our overall goal is to create a “Culture of Preparedness” within Polk County.
The Polk County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is based on the requirements of the Georgia Emergency Management Act of 1981, as amended. Polk County EMA is the managerial function of Polk County Government, charged with creating and maintaining the framework within the community to reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. This includes the cities of Aragon, Cedartown and Rockmart.
Our office stands ready to respond to disasters and provide assistance and support of our emergency service partners. However, we rely on each resident to be prepared, stay informed, and get involved in emergency preparedness in Polk County, so that the emergency providers that serve you can most effectively do their jobs.
The mission of the Polk County Emergency Management Agency is to protect our communities by coordinating and integrating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email this office at ema@polkga.org or 770-748-3439. This is your emergency management program, and it is the goal of this department to provide you with accurate information and be as responsive as possible.
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