Polk County Georgia
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Polk County Fire-Rescue


The Polk County Fire-Rescue Department, Cedartown, Georgia, was organized in 1973 under the umbrella of the Polk County Emergency Management Agency. Roy E. Anderson was tasked with organizing the County’s Volunteer Stations into one department which operate under the oversight of the Polk County Board of Commissioners and County Managers. These stations are strategically located throughout the 312 square miles which constitute Polk County.

Polk County Fire-Rescue is responsible for providing services to the unincorporated small communities as well as the City of Aragon. Early fire protection in Polk County was provided under the Civil Defense umbrella . Approximately 80 Paid-On-Call/Volunteer Firefighters provide protection from 9 Fire Stations. These Firefighters are required to attend training throughout the year to maintain Certification through the Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council.

Interested in volunteering? Click here for Paid-Per-Call application.

Polk County Fire-Rescue has a ISO rating of 5/10.


Honor, Dedication, Sacrifice


Our mission is to “Ensure a Safer Polk County” for all citizens and visitors through the delivery of Professional Emergency Services and Community Risk Reduction.


The mission of Polk County Fire Rescue is to save lives and protect property by providing the highest level of service to the residents of Polk County with honor, dedication, and sacrifice.


To be recognized by the citizens of Polk County and the Georgia Fire Service as a Professional and Well-Trained Fire-Rescue Department that delivers the highest quality services while focusing on: Operational Excellence, Organizational Resilience, and Community Engagement.


Community - We value the richness and diversity of the citizens we serve throughout Polk County. We believe in being active members creating positive impacts on the lives of those we serve as well as our department members. Maintaining positive relationships, internally and externally, as well as inter-jurisdictionally and with the community that we serve.

Honesty – We strive to be truthful and honest at all times as to not compromise the integrity of Polk County Fire-Rescue. Conducting ourselves in a manner that does not improperly influence the performance of our duties or discredit Polk County Fire-Rescue and Polk County Government or any of our customers.

Integrity – To provide services while being accountable for our actions and use of resources provided by the citizens of Polk County. The concept of accountability for all levels of the organization is to produce timely results consistent with the mission of the organization.

Professionalism – We value the importance of professional competence, which is the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individual members of the organization to function in their assigned capacities, and that competence is not necessarily connected to the tenure of the member. Maintaining compliance with the laws of the land and the highest standards of our industry, to deliver the highest quality of services, given the resources available to the organization. We pledge to conduct ourselves in a professional manner representing the department in positive light both on and off-duty.

Polk County Fire Rescue Headquarters
Polk County Fire Department
55 Cline Ingram Jackson Road
Cedartown, Georgia 30125


Polk County Fire Chief
Michael Hanuscin, MA, EFO


The Georgia Rules for Air Quality define open burning as any outdoor fire from which the products of combustion are emitted directly into the open air without passing through a stack, chimney, or duct. All outdoor burning of natural vegetative materials is considered open burning and requires certain practices to be followed which may include burners obtaining a permit in certain situations.

All fire investigations are conducted in accordance with the guidelines and current adopted standards of NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations and NFPA 1033 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. If needed the Georgia State Fire Marshal's Office will be contacted to assist or conduct the investigation.

Polk County Fire Rescue is committed to educating the public about fire safety and prevention through public outreach. This includes education expanding from fire prevention, outdoor safety, holiday and seasonal fire safety, and specified safety for at risk populations. Below you will find several links to various topics related to fire safety education. If you have any questions please contact Polk County Fire Rescue at (770) 748-3439.

Use the button below to download the most recent Organizational Chart from Polk County Fire Rescue.

Use the link below to check out the most recent press and articles pertaining to Polk County Fire Rescue.

The role of the fire service within Polk County has evolved dramatically since its creation in 1973. Today’s fire service responds to everything from gas leaks, to structural fires, vehicle fires, and much more. Personnel responding to emergencies must not only be prepared to handle a diverse set of emergencies, but they must be prepared to make decisions in a stressful environment, often affecting the lives of the citizens we are committed to serving.

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