"Thank you for taking the opportunity to visit the Polk County website to learn more about your District Attorney's Office. It is an honor to serve Polk County as District Attorney. While I believe the primary responsibility of our office is to work with law enforcement and crime victims in the prosecution of those who pose a threat to public safety, and to compassionately assist those who have been victims of crime, we cannot do so effectively without your help. I encourage you to visit and "like" the official Facebook page of the District Attorney's Office. There, you will find and receive the latest news concerning the work the office is doing to make your communities and neighborhoods a safer place to live, work, and raise your family. You may also contact our office and speak to one of the staff who will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns."
Jack Browning
District Attorney
Contact Information
Polk County Courthouse No. 1
100 Prior Street
Room #204
Cedartown, Georgia 30125
The mission of the District Attorney's Office is to:
Answer: A subpoena is an order directing you to be present at the time and place stated. You may receive your subpoena by mail or in person. Your subpoena may indicate that you are "on call" and your presence may not be required. Call the district Attorney's Office at the number listed on the subpoena to be placed "on call". You must leave both a day and nighttime phone numbers where you can be reached during trial week. If you are placed "on call", do not come to the courthouse unless someone from the D.A's office or a law enforcement agency calls you.
Answer: A misdemeanor is a crime that is punishable by a period of up to one year. A felony is a more serious crime that is punishable by a period of imprisonment longer than a year.
Answer: The office of the District Attorney in the Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit prosecutes all felony and misdemeanor criminal activity in the judicial circuit.
Answer: You may contact the Assistant District Attorney handling your case to discuss your concerns. While your feelings will be considered, the District Attorney's Office may decide to prosecute any case in the best interest of the State of Georgia.
Answer: The District Attorney represents the people and the laws of the State of Georgia.
Answer: You must first contact a law enforcement agency such as your local police department or sheriff's office to report the crime. An investigator should be able to direct you on how to proceed.
Answer: Yes, but you will need to contact the office to schedule an appointment. If you are a defendant and are represented by an attorney the District Atorney's Office cannot communicate with you directly outside the presence of your attorney. Please make arrangements with your attorney to speak with the District Attorney's Office.